Zum Inhalt



# Heading 1

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

##### Heading 5

###### Heading 6


Body text

**Bold text**

*Italic text*


<mark>Marked text</mark>

<pre>Preformatted text</pre>

<small>Small Text</small>

This is <sub>subscript</sub>

This is <sup>superscript</sup>
[Inline link](https://google.com)

[Inline link with title](https://google.com "Google")

[Reference link by name][link1]

[Reference link by number][1]

[Reference link by self]

[link1]: https://google.com
[1]: https://google.com
[Reference link by self]: https://google.com


**Ordered Lists**

1. Ordered 1
1. Ordered 2
   1. Ordered 2a
   1. Ordered 2b
   1. Ordered 2c
1. Ordered 3

**Unordered Lists**

- Unordered 1
- Unordered 2
  - Unordered 2a
  - Unordered 2b
  - Unordered 2c
- Unordered 3

**Task Lists**

- [x] Task 1
- [ ] Task 2
  - [x] Subtask A
  - [ ] Subtask B
- [ ] Task 3


> Cras aliquet nulla quis metus tincidunt, sed placerat enim cursus. Etiam
> turpis nisl, posuere eu condimentum ut, interdum a risus. Sed non luctus mi.
> Quisque malesuada risus sit amet tortor aliquet, a posuere ex iaculis. Vivamus
> ultrices enim dui, eleifend porttitor elit aliquet sed.
> *- Quote Source*


!> **Important** notice with `inline code` and additional placeholder text used
to force the content to wrap and span multiple lines.

?> **Tip** notice with `inline code` and additional placeholder text used to
force the content to wrap and span multiple lines.


| Left Align | Center Align | Right Align | Non&#8209;Breaking&nbsp;Header |
| ---------- |:------------:| -----------:| ------------------------------ |
| A1         | A2           | A3          | A4                             |
| B1         | B2           | B3          | B4                             |
| C1         | C2           | C3          | C4                             |



![alt text](//source.unsplash.com/daily "Provided by unsplash.com")


![alt text][logo]

[logo]: //source.unsplash.com/collection/881815 "Provided by unsplash.com"


<kbd>&uarr;</kbd> Arrow Up

<kbd>&darr;</kbd> Arrow Down

<kbd>&larr;</kbd> Arrow Left

<kbd>&rarr;</kbd> Arrow Right

<kbd>&#8682;</kbd> Caps Lock

<kbd>&#8984;</kbd> Command

<kbd>&#8963;</kbd> Control

<kbd>&#9003;</kbd> Delete

<kbd>&#8998;</kbd> Delete (Forward)

<kbd>&#8600;</kbd> End

<kbd>&#8996;</kbd> Enter

<kbd>&#9099;</kbd> Escape

<kbd>&#8598;</kbd> Home

<kbd>&#8670;</kbd> Page Up

<kbd>&#8671;</kbd> Page Down

<kbd>&#8997;</kbd> Option, Alt

<kbd>&#8629;</kbd> Return

<kbd>&#8679;</kbd> Shift

<kbd>&#9251;</kbd> Space

<kbd>&#8677;</kbd> Tab

<kbd>&#8676;</kbd> Tab + Shift


This is `inline code`

const add   = (num1, num2) => num1 + num2;
const total = add(1, 2);

console.log(total); // 3